Luneth Gardens

Providing Local Organic Produce through Regenerative Agriculture.

Serving Tucson, Oro Valley, and Marana

The summer heat has certainly been taking its toll on both the crops and on me. Lettuce is on hold until the Fall of 2024. We have loads of yellow and green summer squash as well as my personal favorite, scallop squash. Tomatoes are doing okay through the heat but the birds are getting their share. We’ve had some critters take down the sweet peppers so we’ll be replanting for Fall production. The chilies have faired a bit better. As the farm continues to grow and develop we’re shifting. More details to come.

We have EGGS. $7/Dozen.


Our chickens receive only Organic Non GMO feed.

  • 2024 is off to a good start. We’ve been finally getting the beds set and irrigation done right this time on plot 1. After doing something I swore I’d never do last year (broad forking), I formed the permanent beds for plot 1, laid down the drip tape for the beds in a rush to get water on them.

    Plot 2 is under cover crops for this year. We’ll see what the future holds for plot 2. It needs broad forking to open up the soil before forming the beds.

    The fruit and nut trees are waking up and we’ve put in several more in recent weeks, persimmons, paw paws, hazelnuts, black and raspberries as well as elderberries. I even put in 3 hardy kiwis this year in hopes we can get some here in Arizona. We shall see. I’m hopeful, but I always am when it comes to pushing the limits on the farm.

    In 2019 we bought our current property and I’ve been working ever since to transform it into my vision for Luneth Gardens. Currently we have 4 “Gardens” and I have plans for expansion to add 5 more “Gardens” in the coming years. In the Spring of 2022 I will be planting the main production plot for sale to the public. This will be mostly salad mixes, tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, etc. To keep up to date, follow along with my blog, or contact us to let us know if you’re interested in any of our produce in the coming months.

May 2022


Our Major production plot


Greens so good, even a 2 year old likes them!!!

Purple Cauliflower

Do your kids like veggies? Maybe store bought doesn’t have any flavor.