Who are we and how did we get here?
It all started in a small town in western Pennsylvania, and migrated out here to the desert southwest…
Luneth Gardens began unofficially in the Spring of 2011 when I bought my previous house and placed several of my favorite varieties of citrus trees in the yard. A few months later I built a 30 foot raised serpentine shaped bed in the corner of my yard for several rose bushes and an almond tree. At the time, I had no plans to grow food beyond the few citrus and nut trees I had planted.
Somehow my “roots” grew again and I became re-interested in gardening. I had grown up in western Pennsylvania where my Grandfather, who lived next door to us, had a huge vegetable garden. Portions of the Summer meant watching my Grandfather work in his garden and from time to time, helping him out by pulling weeds and picking the vegetables.
So in the Spring of 2013 I started a small garden on the side of my house. Sadly nothing grew.
The following year, I added several raised beds, brought in soil, and set up irrigation. While from a production standpoint, one might call it a failure, I learned an awful lot about growing food in the desert climate of the Southwestern United States.
In 2016, Luneth Gardens became official when I registered the business…then we had babies…and things got put on hold.. -
In 2014 Luneth Gardens expanded to include my wife Lupe when we got married, and that is where the name Luneth Gardens comes from.
One night, before Lupe and I were to head out on a much needed vacation together before we were married, we stopped at a local restaurant to have some chicken wings. There we took part in a trivia game. As Lupe got there before I, she named our team “Luneth”, it stuck and we haven’t looked back since. -
In 2016 we added a new member to Luneth Gardens with the birth of our daughter Luna. In 2019 we added some sunshine with our second daughter, Solana.
Tomatillo Verde
15 lb watermelons